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Volunteer Sign-up

Sign-up for volunteer opportunities will occur through the Swim Meet and Event Sign-up page under the Meets and Events tab. 

The volunteer slots are currently being set up and more information will be presented at a later date.

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Swim Meet Volunteer Job Descriptions

Listed below is a brief description of the volunteer positions that need to be filled for every meet. None of the jobs are especially difficult and simple training is provided as needed; however, some of the positions do require attending special training sessions and some positions are better suited for our more experienced swim parents (head timer and head clerk of course, for example). If you are brand new to the summer swim league, the jobs of timer, runner, set up, take down, ribbons, and concessions are good places to start.

ANNOUNCER: Announces each event and calls swimmers to report to the clerk of course for each event. Works closely with the starter and head clerk of course to keep the meet running smoothly. The announcer will need to anticipate flow based on the number of swimmers, the stroke, the number of lengths to be swum, and the age of the swimmers.

STARTER: Starts each event with the announcement of the age and stroke and the words "SWIMMERS TAKE YOUR MARK", pauses to make sure that all swimmers are motionless, and then gives an electronic sound or a blast of a whistle. He/She shall be the sole judge of FALSE STARTS and all false starts shall be restarted. Training is required for this position.

REFEREE: Oversees officials, assigns stroke and turn judge locations, resolves disputes, and signs off on results at the end of the meet. Training is required for this position.

STROKE AND TURN JUDGE: Work in pairs on each side of the pool with one member of a pair being from each team. Judges only rule on infractions on their side of the pool. They observe strokes, turns, and finishes to see that swimmers comply with requirements for that stroke. Training is required for this position.

HEAD TIMER: Organizes and briefs the Lane Timers on their duties prior to the meet and is in charge of the lane timers throughout the meet. Previous experience recommended for this position.

LANE TIMERS: Records the swimmer’s time. Each timer is provided a timing device and assigned a lane; there are three timers for each lane. All three times are recorded and the middle time becomes the official time. 

CLERK of COURSE: Responsible for lining up swimmers in appropriate lanes and ensuring each heat arrives at the start in a timely manner. The head clerk of course communicates with the announcer to call swimmers for each event.

AUTOMATION: Responsible for verifying race times, scoring the meet, producing and posting results, producing ribbon labels, and finally reporting results to the division automation liaison.

HEAT WINNERS: Determines the winner of each individual event heat and awards that swimmer a heat winner ribbon. 

RIBBONS: Places labels on ribbons; sorts and files ribbons into swimmer file folder. 

RUNNER: Collects DQ sheets and timer sheets and "runs" them to the IT table. This volunteer should be ready to move around the deck quickly and be able to follow the meet closely to anticipate when the runner is needed. 

CONCESSIONS: Sells concessions. Helps set up and tear down concession stand. 

SET UP: Sets up the pool area for the swim meet. Moves deck chairs, starting blocks, sets up tents and tables. 

TAKE DOWN: During the last few minutes of a meet the crew begins taking down and storing items in preparation for vacating the pool immediately after the meet.

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