
    Clarifying Relay Entries and Alternates

    Hi everyone,

    We wanted to clarify the way that your entries will look for our Relays. The Medley Relays (Events 31-34) have four swimmers and four alternates, meaning #5-8 will only swim if someone is missing from #1-4. The Freestyle Relays (Events 67 and 68) have five swimmers and three alternates, meaning #6-8 will only swim if someone from #1-5 is missing. The exact breakdown is this:

    Events #31 and 32:

    #1 50 Back

    #2 50 Breast

    #3 50 Fly

    #4 50 Free

    #5-8 Alternate

    Events #33 and 34:

    #1 25 Back

    #2 25 Breast

    #3 25 Fly

    #4 25 Free

    #5-8 Alternate

    Events #67 and 68

    #1 25 Free

    #2 25 Free

    #3 50 Free

    #4 50 Free

    #5 50 Free

    #6-8 Alternate

    Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.


    Coaches Brad, Addy, Alyssa, Blake, and Gabi

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