
    One More Shout-Out...

    There is one more shout-out that I (Devon) missed on last night's post (sorry!). Our intention is to highlight our Gold Level sponsors at the bottom of each weekly post, and I remembered this morning that I totally missed it this week.

    This one is a great reflection of the over-arching priority of the Blue Crabs and that is Community. This summer swim team exists for the community and because of the community, largely made possible by the generous support of our sponsors. It was particularly great to have our sponsors not only generously support our team but also step-up and serve our team as Dr. Steven Tan (PEAS) was a timer this past Saturday and Dr. Chris McTavish (Urbana Orthodontics) helped out at concessions.

    We are grateful for all of our sponsors and proud to be a part of such a wonderful community! 

    Go Blue Crabs!

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